VIP 2027 Unprecedented Historical Solar Eclipse Tour 9 Days- Calling The Goddess To Humanity 26 July-5 August 2027
VIP 2027 Unprecedented Historical Solar Eclipse Tour 9 Days- Calling The Goddess To Humanity 26 July-5 August 2027
An historical pilgrimage of twenty two individuals in Luxor, Egypt with community from Japan, USA, and Europe. This total solar eclipse calls our global community to initiate in exceptional legacies and spiritual wisdom of Ancient Egypt to progress a new era consciousness that changes world and worlds, and times and times. It is within extraordinary ancient legacies that we enter a world of gateways, time and prophesies created by the ancients. The protection for these times.
This total solar eclipse calls our global community gathering in pilgrimage, honouring the exceptional legacy of Ancient Egypt and awakening new era consciousness that changes world and worlds. You stay in our purpose-built El Bawaba. Al Bawaba (Arabic: البوابة. In Arabic El Bawaba is The Gate, The Portal, The Gatkeway, The Gate Keeper, The Star Gate, The Sluice. We have built a modern temple of 24 luxury rooms set against the mythical Theban Hills and the mystery of the Nile, brimming with birdsong, unforgettable sun rise and sun set, and starry nights. You will experience Ash's international field of study on ancient civilisations, advanced consciousness protocol, pivotal planetary gateways and contact defines outstanding expertise and contribution to humanity and world change.
The maximum duration of totality will be observed in Egypt, approximately 37 miles (60 km) southeast of Luxor, and will last 6 minutes and 22 seconds.
A total solar eclipse will occur at the Moon's descending node of orbit on Monday, August 2, 2027, with a magnitude of 1.079. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moonpasses between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide. Occurring about 2.5 hours before perigee (on August 2, 2027, at 7:25 UTC), the Moon's apparent diameter will be larger.
- Airport transfers
- Breakfast V. VG. GF, LF
- Daily room service when requested
- Japanese/English
- Luxury Transportation
- The Luxor Boutique-Hotel Twin or Double Share
- Unique retreat facilities that support ritual, ceremony, yoga and meditation practice
- Specialised Goddess & Gods made by local artists (your expense)
- Egyptian Shawls & Scarves shopping (your expense)
- 10-20% tipping on all services
- All personal shopping
- Lunch, dinner & beverages
- Extra Excursions

09:00-14:00 Arrival Luxor International Airport and El Bawaba
17:00 Sunset Ancient Egypt calibration and fire ceremony, soul journey of remembering and deep transformation.

07:00-09:00 breakfast
09:00-10:00 Session of soul healing and initiation, embodiment and grounding, with protocols on increasing sensory perception. Daily meditation and calibration with ancient Egypt accompanied by an exceptional program of soul initiations and healings. El Bawaba is a purpose-built gateway supporting you in sacred geometry and retreat-architecture and meditation spaces, non-GMO, detox and healing menus, our ancient waters library, and educational programs.
10:00-11:00 Initiation in Cult of Hathor, Queen Nefertari at El Bawaba. The Seven Hathors are gatekeepers of destiny and fate, and are present at the birth of all souls. We call Hathor as witness and protector of our destiny and fate.
11:00-12:00 Demonstration in the ritual use of Egyptian absolute oils, amulets, artisan Egyptian gods and goddesses.
14:00-16:00 VIP visit Nefertari Merit Mut Tomb, Valley of Queens. When we speak of the Great Queens of Egypt. We are reminded of deified women. Woman initiated as Goddesses. May we remember exceptional sacred and sovereign paths, Nefetari as Hathor. The primordial Goddess, Beginning of Time, Eternity and the elusive mysteries of cycles of incarnation and reincarnation.
Living in the 19th Dynasty (c. 1295-1255 B.C.), her full name was Nefertari Merytmut, meaning “"Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut"”. She was the beloved Great Royal Wife (GRW) of Ramesses II, one of most prolific Egyptian queens, equal to Cleopatra, Nefertiti and Hatshepsut. Her tomb, QV66, is the largest, exquisitely decorated and spectacular in the Valley of the Queens. Ramesses II constructed for her a temple at Abu Simbel, next to his own colossal monument. He made the size of her statues, on its facade, to the same scale as his own.
19:00 El Bawaba dinner
20:00 Fire Ceremony and purification for Amduat, the journey of subconscious resolution and significant dreaming that engages destiny and fate.

07:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-10:00 Session of soul awakening and initiation, embodiment and grounding of the journey of the soul.
10:00-15:00 07:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-10:00 Session of soul healing and initiation, embodiment and grounding of the journey of the soul. This journey will explore the regeneration of soul aspects for magnificent existence to recalibrate intelligence, human potential and presence. Daily meditation and calibration with ancient Egypt accompanied by an exceptional program of soul initiations and healings. El Bawaba is a purpose-built gateway supporting you in sacred geometry and retreat-architecture and meditation spaces, non-GMO, detox and healing menus, our ancient waters library, and educational programs.
11:00-16:00 The Temple of Mut, Karnak Temples and Luxor Temple.
Karnak Temples Complex. The massive temple complex of Karnak was the principal religious center of the god Amun-Re in Thebes during the New Kingdom (which lasted from 1550 until 1070 B.C.E.). The complex remains one of the largest religious complexes in the world.
The annual Opet Festival, during which the sacred barks of the triad of Thebes, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, together with that of the ruling king journeyed from Karnak Temple to Luxor Temple, became a central religious celebration of Thebes as early as the 18th Dynasty. The rituals of the Opet Festival celebrated the sacred marriage of god Amun, with whom the king merged, and goddess Mut, resulting in the transmission of the royal ka (image of soul) and thus ensuring the maintenance of kingship.
The Cult of Sekhmet is inseparable from The Eye of Re creation forces, represented by the solar disc and the Daughter of Re. This births sovereign and sacred aspects and their strong duality.
There are other major Goddesses present within Sekhmet. Hathor and Mut, who are Solar Eye Goddesses without feline characteristics despite having one of the Feline Goddesses as an alter ego. These too are essential, magical aspects of Sekhmet.
Some of Sekhmet’s 1000 names are Sekhmet, Great One of Magic, Mother of the Netjeru (Gods), One Who Was Before the Netjeru Were, Lady of The Place of the Beginning of Time, Beloved of Ra, Her Father, Beloved of Bast Her Sister, Beloved of Ptah, Her Husband-Brother At Whose Wish the Arts Were Born, Beautiful Eye Which Giveth Life to the Two Lands, Beautiful Face, Image Most Beloved by Art, Flaming One, Sovereign of Ra, Her Father, Protectress of the Netjeru, Lady of the Scarlet-Colored Garment, Pure One, Destroyer of Rebellions, Eye of Ra, Eye of Heru (Horus).
Luxor Temple. Constructed over hundreds of years by Amenhotep III, Ramses II, Tutankhamun, and other pharaohs, Luxor Temple was a large and significant religious center in ancient Egypt. In what was then Thebes, Luxor Temple was “the place of the First Occasion,” where the god Amon experienced rebirth during the pharaoh’s annually reenacted coronation ceremony. Today, remains of this vast complex include the colossal Great Colonnade Hall, almost 61 meters long, with 28 twenty-one-foot-high columns, its decoration largely undertaken by Tutankhamun around 1330 B.C. René Adolphe Schwaller is famed for his work on Temple of Man. R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz's masterwork is the culmination of his exhaustive 12-year study at the great temple of Amun-Mut-Khonsu at Luxor, which is revealed to be an architectural encyclopedia of humanity and the universe.
The Journey of The Soul. This journey will explore the regeneration of soul aspects for magnificent existence to recalibrate intelligence, human potential and presence.

07:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-10:00 Session of Embodiment of Eternal Time, Auser (Greek Osiris)
10:00-14:00 The Valley of The Kings (Arabic: وادي الملوك Wādī al-Mulūk; Coptic: ϫⲏⲙⲉ, romanized: džēme), also known as the Valley of the Gates of the Kings (Arabic: وادي أبواب الملوك Wādī Abwāb al-Mulūk) is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock-cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. How Ancient Knowledge and The Journey of the Soul is a quantum-field spiritual science to progress personal and collective evolution. Tomb visits include Queen Tawsert and Book of Gates.
19:00-21:00 VIP VISIT Tomb of Tutankamun KV67, The Valley of Kings. When on November 4th, 1922, Howard Carter discovered the almost intact tomb KV62, Tutankhamun, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nebkheperure, the Son of Re. In 1922, Tutankhamun becomes a major icon in archaeology. For the first time Egyptologists and the public, were spellbound. He is wearing the Atef crown with a gold-plated uraeus, and in each of his hands he is holding a Nekhakha whip, or flagellum, as signs of his power. His extended beard, with the hooked tip, indicates his status as eternity. Around his neck he has a large Wesekh collar, from which is suspended a Kheper scarab rolling the solar disk in front of it, symbolic of rebirth.

07:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-10:00 Session of soul awakening and initiation, embodiment and grounding of the deeper journey of the soul. Tracking and initiating planetary star-gates of importance in our human origins and ceremonial gateways of deification.
11:00-13:00 The Medinet Habu Temple, The Creation Story Fieldwork. Embodying the Ogdoad (Creation Gods) and science of evolution, existence and incarnation that revolutionises
Medinet Habu was known as Djanet and was the place were Amun first appeared. Both Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III built a temple dedicated to Amun here and Later Rameses III constructed his larger memorial temple on the site. The ancient Egyptian name for the region is iꝫt ṯꝫmt or Iat Tjamet(which morphed later into Iat Djamet). This means Mound of Tjamet (or Djamet).
Amun is the Hidden One, or the One Who Conceals Himself. He’s often represented in an ithyphallic form (a male figure with an erect phallus). This iconography begins in the Middle Kingdom – there are examples on the White Chapel of Senwosret I at Karnak. In order to understand the myth of Amun we must first explore the Hermopolitan creation myth. The Egyptian name for the town of Hermopolis is Khemnuwhich means “Eight Town”. The eight in this context are the Ogdoad who are a group of eight creator deities – Nun & Naunet, Heh & Hauhet, Kuk & Kauket, Amun & Amaunet. Each pair is a male and female pair. Each pair of deities has a different association – Nun & Naunet are water, Heh & Hauhet are infinity, Kuk & Kauket are darkness and Amun & Amaunet are hiddenness.
Amun is contains extreme divine, alchemical, and reincarnation power. By the 12th Dynasty Amun’s name incorporates Re as Amun-Re (for instance in the White Chapel of Senwosret II), and as far back as the reign of Intef II (who ruled as part of Dynasty 11 before Montuhotep II reunited the country) there are signs of a linkage between Re and Amun. The ithyphallic form is also linked to Min (a fertility deity). But Gahlin said that more importantly this iconography is linked to a form of Amun-Re called Ka-mut-ef, which means “bull of his mother” or “he who fashioned himself”. This form has black skin due to the associations between black (as in the colour of the soil of the Nile Valley) and fertility. The thinking behind this name & form of the god is that Amun is so virile that he impregnated his own mother. As well as fertility this links the deity strongly to kingship. Each king is the son of the previous king, and each king is seen as incarnation of eternal kingship. This means that the king becomes the bull of his mother – impregnating his wife so that she gives birth to the next incarnation of himself.
During the 18th Dynasty the Theban priesthood create a mythology that raises Amun to the pinnacle of the gods. Amun is referred to as Amun the Great Honker. This form of Amun is a goose and his honking acts as the catalyst for creation. The sound waves produce the energy to create the primordial mound and thus the whole universe. Amun the goose might be male, but he is also sometimes said to lay the egg from which the universe hatches – sometimes he also impregnates this egg as a ram-headed sphinx. In this particular version of the myth the Mound of Tjamet (or Djamet) is the actual real place where the world came into being – it’s also the place where the Ogdoad (including Amun) are buried after they have created the world.
During Hatshepsut’s reign there is a movement centred on Amun. The Amun Temple begins in her reign, and we see Amun as this red-skinned ithyphallic progenitor deity in the decoration that was completed in her reign. The Deir el Bahri Divine Birth scene is a part of this theme as well, with Amun becoming overtly involved in creating the new king (Hatshepsut). The Gods Wives & Queen Hatshepsut's metamorphosis to King. Queen Hatshepsut adopts and initiates Moses at the Temple of Amun. From the reign of Tutankhamun onward Amun has blue skin, and before this he had red skin. He’s a celestial deity as well as a deity of kingship – his titles include the title of “lord of the Two Lands” just like the king. His feather headdress is full of symbolims – Gahlin said that the two feathers represent duality, and the seven segments of the feathers are another symbol of totality as they are thought of as three plus four. In his representations at the Small Temple he’s shown as both this anthropomorphic deity with a two-feather headdress and as an ithyphallic deity – and the earliest depictions have red skin because this is before the reign of Tutankhamun.
13:00-14:00 authentic Egyptian lunch on West Bank, Luxor
14:00-16:00 Queen Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple, Deir el Bahri
19:00 dinner at El Bawaba and traditional Islamic music and dance

06:00-07:00 Breakfast
08:00-15:00 Total solar eclipse at Karnak Temples
A total solar eclipse will occur at the Moon's descending node of orbit on Monday, August 2, 2027, with a magnitude of 1.079. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide. Occurring about 2.5 hours before perigee (on August 2, 2027, at 7:25 UTC), the Moon's apparent diameter will be larger.
Karnak Temples Complex. The massive temple complex of Karnak was the principal religious center of the god Amun-Re in Thebes during the New Kingdom (which lasted from 1550 until 1070 B.C.E.). The complex remains one of the largest religious complexes in the world. The annual Opet Festival, during which the sacred barks of the triad of Thebes, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, together with that of the ruling king journeyed from Karnak Temple to Luxor Temple, became a central religious celebration of Thebes as early as the 18th Dynasty. The rituals of the Opet Festival celebrated the sacred marriage of god Amun, with whom the king merged, and goddess Mut, resulting in the transmission of the royal ka (image of soul) and thus ensuring the maintenance of kingship.
The Cult of Sekhmet is inseparable from The Eye of Re creation forces, represented by the solar disc and the Daughter of Re. This births sovereign and sacred aspects and their strong duality. There are other major Goddesses present within Sekhmet. Hathor and Mut, who are Solar Eye Goddesses without feline characteristics despite having one of the Feline Goddesses as an alter ego. These too are essential, magical aspects of Sekhmet.
Some of Sekhmet’s 1000 names are Sekhmet, Great One of Magic, Mother of the Netjeru (Gods), One Who Was Before the Netjeru Were, Lady of The Place of the Beginning of Time, Beloved of Ra, Her Father, Beloved of Bast Her Sister, Beloved of Ptah, Her Husband-Brother At Whose Wish the Arts Were Born, Beautiful Eye Which Giveth Life to the Two Lands, Beautiful Face, Image Most Beloved by Art, Flaming One, Sovereign of Ra, Her Father, Protectress of the Netjeru, Lady of the Scarlet-Colored Garment, Pure One, Destroyer of Rebellions, Eye of Ra, Eye of Heru (Horus).
The Cult of Osiris, The Chapel of Osiris Hek-Djet , East Gate. On the southern wall of this chamber left of the entry into the next room is depicted the seven Osirian doorways, all boxed within one another. To the right of these false doors are several scenes. Here, in the uppermost scene, Shepenwepet is being breast-fed by a Hathor-like deity with a curious hairstyle, and then embraced by Amun. To the left of this is a representation of the symbol of the nome of Abydos where the temple of Osiris is located.
20:00-21:00 Eclipse Celebration of The Return of The Goddess

07:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-10:00 The Cosmic Portal Session
10:00-15:00 Temple of Hathor, Denderah, is a Greco-Roman temple complex known in ancient Egyptian as Iunet or Tantere. The modern Arab town is built on the ancient site of Ta-ynt-netert, which means 'She of the Divine Pillar.
The Dendera zodiac is a Egyptian bas-relief from the ceiling of the pronaos (or portico) of a chapel dedicated to Osiris in the Hathor temple at Dendera, containing images of Taurus (the bull) and Libra (the scales). This chapel was begun in the late Ptolemaic period. Detailed prophesy on a united, global written ancient record of The Awakening. Denderah is an ark library of humanity’s creation story and evolution map of accurate prophesy. The Dendera zodiac is a Egyptian bas-relief from the ceiling of the pronaos (or portico) of a chapel dedicated to Osiris in the Hathor temple at Dendera, containing images of Taurus (the bull) and Libra (the scales). This chapel was begun in the late Ptolemaic period. Detailed prophesy on The Awakening of Humanity.
19:00 Dinner El Bawaba
20:00 Silence and scrying at The Fire Pit

05.00 Balloon Flight over West Bank Monuments of The Ramesseum, Valley of Nobles, Valley of Queens, Medinet Habu,
08.00-10:00 breakfast at El Bawaba
13:00-15:00 Dahabiya sailing lunch.The word dahabiya is derived from the Arab word for “gold,” highlighting its ancient royal origins as boats for kings and queens. The wooden sailboats, with only two decks and shallow bottoms, have been an option for travellers on the Nile since the 19th century and are based on designs millennia old.
19:00 El Bawaba celebration dinner and finale ceremony of the return of the goddess.

It is the time to embark upon new journeys with new friendships and community.
Transfer to Luxor International Airport