Live Course

London Edition 2025/6 New Psychology and Mysticism

Start Date

Jun 20, 2025

End Date

Mar 15, 2026

New era consciousness training, evolving high-functioning human being. Integrating high-functioning consciousness, advanced human psychology, pineal restoration, advanced regeneration of health and intelligence systems (special sessions on awakening and soul). Initiation and cultivation of sovereignty and soul integration. Difficult trauma resolution (special trauma resolution session). New era mentoring and timeline resolution. Functional quantum field integration, metaphysics, spirituality in guidelines and practices (special sessions on QF integration). Foundational new era ethics and human values that embody and integrate psychology, spirituality, individual and collective change .Innovation, imagination, and human creativity revising brain and biofield functioning beyond conventional psychology and transhumanism. (special sessions on Imagination). Developing dialogue with Consciousness, entering Quantum Field, time and life lessons, and the force of Unconscious. (special sessions on reading and synthesis).

A diverse inter-generational community is called to unite, initiate, and build a new humanity. Mainstream and old world enmeshed psychology and spirituality is neither sovereign nor revolutionary, comprehensive nor impactful. Ash reunites with London to create a groundbreaking special edition series that impacts change and training approaches. This series alchemises your commitment to new era consciousness, awakening, diversity and unity. A grassroots reality revolution dedicated to truth, health, and protection of human life. This series compliments Ra Mystery School Egypt and Japan, and El Bawaba Retreats. 

The London Edition invites spiritual and non-spiritual change-makers of all creative and professional fields. Often desire does not materialise significant change in the demands of modern life. With Ash you discover revolutionary urban retreat and social impact, and human rights history in Mayfair, London. The venue is Womens’ University Society, Mayfair, London. 

The London Edition is 8 training days in consciousness, new psychology, mysticism and psionics to heal and disrupt ego, dysfunctional psychology, timelines, individual and collective trauma. Currently we are witnessing two timelines where shadow, fantasy, deception is mainstream visible. Another where soul and a revolution of legacy lands sovereignty and autonomy back in the throne of spiritual revolution unveiling all that is false and dark, fantasy and illusion. 

  • Individual and collective change is a rite of sovereignty initiated by secure legacy of mentoring and protection.
  • This London Series is for sensitive, conscious and creative humans
  • Founded by the pioneers of education for women, the University Women’s Club offers a welcoming and secure environment for professional, business, student, and graduate women in the very heart of Mayfair.For nearly 140 years, the Club has provided a retreat from the stresses of London, offering a comfortable home-away-from-home for busy women to meet and engage with like-minded individuals. The Club finally found its permanent home in 1921, when the members purchased the freehold of 2 Audley Square from the Russell family for £22,500.  There are 22 bedrooms available for booking during this event.
The summer solstice magnifies and activates a liminal space, a cosmic gateway. This London Edition will initiate the gateways and timelines of this series. At this zenith of sunlight signifies a spiritual threshold. Here, beings may transition from one dimension and state of existence to another. This gate isn’t an exit from the material realm, but pathways leading to different dimensions, states of manifestation and timelines, depicted by the ensuing descent of the sun in the latter half of the year, the beginning of the death of the sun in the sky. The 2 Days London Edition initiates the star clock through a vast axis of inter-dimensional time. The equinoxes do not occur at the same points of the ecliptic every year, for the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator revolve in opposite directions. The two planes make a complete revolution with respect to each other once every 25,868 years. This movement of the equinoxes along the ecliptic is called the precession of the equinoxes. That time is now. The precession is manifest as a consequence of the torque exerted on Earth by differential gravitation caused by the differential gravitation forces of Sun and Moon on Earth. This new gateway of time propels the birth a new humanity and new earth. Here, we can harness propulsion of time. In this axis we initiate the force of Goddess. The Precession Equinox, further structured and magnified by the Solstice and Equinox Gateways. This London Edition harnesses your destiny over vast time cycles. In this axis we revolutionise consciousness genius. The temples and pyramids of ancient Egypt enshrine the force of Goddess and Destiny. For example, the Star Clock of Valley Temple of Khufu or Temple of Hathor, Denderah, The Great Pyramids and Karnak Temple. We see star-gate architecture and biofield activated by vast timelines, incarnation wisdom and resurrected Goddess. In Pyramid of Djoser and Abu Ghorab Sun Temples, are ancient time technologies that rebuild time and consciousness. In this London Edition you will rebuild predeluvian time. We build gateways between London and The Pyramids Field. The ancient Egyptians protected predeluvian time via gateways of ancestors, benevolent gods and star races that guide, serve and protect our human story. This is the architecture of reincarnation and sovereign evolution. It is the Goddess who travels us to the creation story on Earth and upon death, to the stars. These star-gates magnetise advanced contact and progress civilization capable of advanced spiritual intelligence and sustainability. The cosmic force of Solstice transmutes primal trauma, blind narcissism and thirst for destruction. What we experience here is the star of every human life. Curriculum Study * Entering Precession and Solstice Gateways- Sacred Time Integration, New Humanity and Earth.  * Sirius Gateway- Initiation of New Era Emotional Intelligence alchemised in the Earth Time Axis and Precession Equinox Gateway. This London Edition will magnify and integrate a massive time vector for reset and progression of your soul journey incarnation cycle. This is revolutionary quantum-progresses psychology and trauma resolution that contaminates sovereign incarnation. * Revolution of spiritual intelligence and biological functioning of pineal prepares the incarnation and new era foundations. During this Precession Gateway pineal new era health is absolutely critical. Decalcifying pineal includes pineal focussed meditation practices, calcite activation, fluoride detox, advanced consciousness training that restores mind, dimensional time and space, neural restructuring, reactivating the pineal as a bonafide elixir of life and DMT. The pineal initiates as time machine activator. * The Sphinx is known as The Sirius StarGate. This gateway is assigned to Anubis, Isis, Horus. The Great Goddess. The Gateway of Universal Human is Protected. * Contact and Psionics Training: A Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind is a UFO event that involves direct communication between Non Human Intelligence and humans. Close Encounter of the First Kind is a sighting of an extraterrestrial spacecraft within 500 feet. A Close Encounter of the Second Kind is a landing trace or an electromagnetic trace - some sort of physical trace that is left by one of these objects. A Close Encounter of the Third Kind, as everyone knows from Stephen Spielberg’s famous movie, is the sighting of one of the humanoids or life forms, usually in association with a spacecraft, but not always. We will explore training for quantum time-shifts in evolution and protection. * The Star of Isis. Initiate quantum field memory and restoration of soul, eternity, radical regeneration, trans-dimensional healing and initiation across biology, psychology, and soul intelligence. * Advanced training and initiation methods to enter advanced incarnation arks (akashic records). This edition will restore soul memory and incarnation memories. Learn how to enter and draft timelines, detailed descriptions of incarnations, evolution archetypes, universal origins, individual and soul group incarnations and inter-dimensional contracts across time and universe. In the golden sun of the goddess are the threads of all golden timelines, of all your timelines. And in the golden sun of the goddess is healing, and awakening. And in the golden sun of the goddess, there is the healing of the self in the wounded past. She no longer creates the same history. She is healed. She is the sacred self with greatest future. In this gateway she can be wounded in this great way she can be guided, but not by the matrix by the universe, and all that is good all that is sacred. It is in this gateway that she can see humanity and earth. It is in this gateway that she can see humanity as heaven on Earth, and in the golden sun, humanity and earth is illuminated and enlightened. And there begins a new gateway of humanity, a new era, where the forgotten value of humanity are heeled. On the eve of solstice is birthed a new humanity and earth. May the return to light begin. May peace on Earth begin.
Core initiation and training concepts include building new foundations of consciousness and new era, advanced sensory training and perception functioning. PSI abilities are cognitive, as in clairvoyance, telepathy, or precognition. Here an individual acquires knowledge of facts, of other people’s thoughts, or of future events without the use of the ordinary sensory channels—extrasensory perception (ESP), is used to designate these phenomena. The term psychokinesis is often used to shape influence over individuals, the collective, nature and weather. The London Edition delivers solo and group advanced training in remote viewing, quantum field perception, reading contracts and timelines, health scanning, karma and past lives, trauma and wound analysis and resolution. Special focus intensive practice sessions on accurate predication and reading trends. Day 1 and Day 2 training is approaches to professionalism and scientific readings, traditional mediumship, advanced channeling and robust spiritual protection within readings and modern life. Special focus upon Solstice, group initiation and exploration of Psionics; Ilusion V Truth
Identification and transformation of dysfunctional psychology, human intelligence, ego and trauma resolution. Individual responsibility to transformation and awakening. Teachings and practices that regenerate emotional intelligence and soul intelligence. Rejection of self-awareness creates disfunction within, and in society. Mainstream destroys soul and awareness. Humanity is groomed for hypnosis and destruct. Attachment to capitalism, colonialism, illusion and compliance is pandemic. The Elite has historically achieved psychological control. As technology destroys our humanity, many will lose memory of the journey of soul, emotional intelligence, and collapse in breakdown. This is a timeline of false idols and systems designed to deceive and disconnect soul. Many are cultivated in false spirituality, mainstream illusion, unresolved trauma and victimhood. Here ego and shadow refuses and contaminates transformation. There is often trauma addiction and dysfunction present that disrupts health and human potential. This is caused by abusive, narcissistic and unsustainable elite power. Here spirituality may be bound to illusion and fantasy, fear and dysfunctional sensitivity. Day 1 and Day 2 builds a grounded foundation of ethics to safely explore and transform subconscious and wound chaos, and exorcise unhealthy attachments, dysfunctional protocols, rituals and mainstream information. Here you identify and purge old psychology systems building a new foundation of intelligence and human potential. This essential purification regenerates you as a hi-functioning human capable of biological, psychological, spiritual, and quantum field regeneration. You uniquely identify and build new psychology gateways that enshrine peace with our human stories, life lessons, and soul intelligence. This edition will identify solo regeneration practices and group training that accesses higher EQ and higher IQ for personal and collective change.
Mysticism envelops the complexities of consciousness, illuminating the enigma that lies at the heart of human experience. As we unravel the mysteries of consciousness, soul, interdisciplinary training and human potential will play a crucial role in deepening our understanding of this fundamental aspect of human cognition and existence. You will build new capability to transform, awaken, and regenerate in an increasingly chaotic modern world. You are initiated and mentored in a legacy gateway of ancient Egypt, nineteenth century mysticism and visionary philanthropy. New humanity and community is found in balance with earth and humanity, protected by universal and divine laws, and phenomena. These individuals and communities (often unique and genius) are custodians of new era, equality, and evolution. They create life beyond deception, illusion, manipulation and harm. Humanity is in a critical era of survival and evolution. It is a time for rebalancing inner and outer world, evaluating drama, ego, and war. This seminal edition builds consciousness gateways that mystifies your human intelligence and experience through intensive initiation processes and ongoing individual schedule of practices. One of the seminal works in the study of consciousness is "Consciousness Explained" by philosopher Daniel C. Dennett. In his book, Dennett delves into the nature of consciousness and proposes a theory of consciousness as a product of neural processes and cognitive functions. Dennett's exploration of consciousness as a phenomenon rooted in the brain and mind has influenced subsequent research in the field of cognitive science and philosophy of mind. This foundation and model is central to your education and initiation in mysticism. Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, in his book "The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness," offers a neurobiological perspective on consciousness, emphasizing the role of emotions and bodily sensations in shaping conscious experience. Damasio's research highlights the interconnectedness of brain, body, and consciousness, underscoring the importance of embodied cognition in understanding the nature of consciousness. This foundation and model is central in your training in advanced gateways of human intelligence that progress IQ, EQ, and human genius. Genius is exceptional intellectual, creativity or supernatural ability. Mysticism is a divine spirituality awakened by initiation and spiritual practices that materialise an elusive grail beyond the story of duality, separation, trauma and wounding that lies at the root of all healing and soul crisis, and ecocide. This rare grail resurrects a new story of revolutionary unity, love and peace. Mysticism renovates individual and global consciousness- a secret wisdom that reconnects us to the divinity of existence, essential oneness of our own quantum field. This London Edition initiates Goddess and God, archetypal negatives and positives, visible and invisible, manifest and non-manifest quantum field as revolutionary resource gateways to understanding who we are. Here you learn how to build consciousness to resolve challenges within society and on earth. Mysticism is birthed as an enigma and truth. You are initiated in advanced awareness training, in the power of perception and time as defined in mysticism. Here the force of Goddess and God is resurrected and materialised. The Eye of Ra manifests in cognition and healing. In this sequence you break the veil and enter significant quantum field healing, awakening, and mysticism. Here God and Goddess, positive and negative, hidden and visible animate as an extraordinary forces of path and protection. This London Edition immerses you in the enigma of divine genius, Holy Grail, Elixir of Life, and The Philosopher’s Stone. This London Edition redefines destiny in a quantum field that hyper-protects soul and time. Your quantum field transmutes a meta-physical temple of incarnation. Here you transfer quantum field wherever you are. This lands mega-protection and divinity in community and society. As we know divinity transcends negative and positive. It is this sweet enigma and future that we will reveal.
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