RA Mystery School At Asuka Pyramids The Wisdom Of Golden Gate- Jomon Period And Ancient Goddess Origins 3 & 4 May 2025
RA Mystery School At Asuka Pyramids The Wisdom Of Golden Gate- Jomon Period And Ancient Goddess Origins 3 & 4 May 2025
In 2014, Ash, discovered the connection between the Temple of Hathor, The Denderah Zodiac, The Great Pyramids and The Pyramids of Asuka, Japan. This vector of gateways alchemizes revolutionary individual and collective awakening. The Wisdom of Golden Gate- Ancient Egypt and The Great Pyramids, The Jomon Period and Ancient Goddess Origins. The village of Asuka is also known to be an ancient land with historical interest. It has its origins in the Tumulus Period (250-552 AD), also called Kofun jidai, which means Old Mound period. This era of Japanese history is characterised by a particular type of burial mound that was popular at the time; specifically key shaped earthen mounds surrounded by moats. However, the newly-discovered step pyramid is quite different to those that have already been found. Here we also find a zodiac that suggest pre-history knowledge on evolution and time. Ash publicly shares this discovery in my research and work at Asuka and in Egypt. The zodiacs contain intelligence on end times, creation story and humanity”s current crisis of evolution. During your pilgrimage you are initiated to transform 26,000 years of unsolved incarnations.
In 2014, Ash, discovered the connection between the Temple of Hathor, The Denderah Zodiac, The Great Pyramids and The Pyramids of Asuka, Japan. This vector of gateways alchemizes revolutionary individual and collective awakening.
The Wisdom of Golden Gate- Jomon Period and Ancient Goddess Origins. The village of Asuka is also known to be an ancient land with remote and mystical historical interest. It has its origins in the Tumulus Period (250-552 AD), also called Kofun jidai, which means Old Mound period. This era of Japanese history is characterised by a particular type of burial mound that was popular at the time; specifically key shaped earthen mounds surrounded by moats. However, the newly-discovered step pyramid is quite different to those that have already been found. Here we also find a zodiac that suggest pre-history knowledge on evolution and time. Ash publicly shares this discovery in my research and work at Asuka and in Egypt. The zodiacs contain intelligence on end times, creation story and humanity”s current crisis of evolution. During your pilgrimage you are initiated to transform 26,000 years of unsolved incarnations.
Time, Goddess, ET contact, reincarnation and meta-physics generate in our human journey and legacy when we initiate and understand what has been left behind for us. The radical personal and collective psychology to transform our world. Goddess alignments and the combined firing of Precessional Gateway, Solstice and Equinox Gateways over vast time cycles materializes revolutionary consciousness. Temples and pyramids house Goddess and Time beyond Matrix. For example, the Star Clock of Valley Temple of Khufu or Temple of Hathor, Denderah, The Great Pyramids and Karnak Temple. We see star-gate architecture fired in timelines and ceremony of Goddess. We see evidence in Pyramid of Djoser and Abu Ghorab Sun Temples, and older Sun Temple. Technologies that revolutionize consciousness.
The ancient Egyptians keep Predeluvian time. Inter-dimensional gateways to ancestors, benevolent gods and star races that guide, serve and protect our human story. This is the architecture of reincarnation and sovereign evolution. It is the Goddess who travels us to the creation story on Earth. Ash equates this with global wisdom prophesies. These star-gates define advanced contact and an advanced civilization capable of spiritual sustainability. On an end note, the Amaziagh of Africa wear ceremonial masks akin to wolf or Anubis. Anubis is the dog-star (Protector of Sothis (Sirius) and Isis). The Amaziagh are of and from the stars. They are known as gatekeepers to the stars, and of the stars. These star peoples are custodians of humanity and earth. In order to evolve to understand this level of custodianship and initiation. We must ask of ourselves are we capable of protecting humanity and earth? Without living this knowledge and wisdom I believe not.
A Stargate is an Einstein–Rosen dimensional portal device within the Stargate universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. At Giza we reference Sirius and Earth. Here we explore the time-machine that has recorded the sacred origins of humanity. The Turin Canon (1279-1213 BC) states a kings list of 36, 620 years before dynastic Egypt and references the Neteru and Shemsu Hor. An original earlier creation story that involves the Garden of Eden, Sumeria and even in our research to Atlantis where there is evidence that an event and cosmic war took place over Egypt perhaps to control this particular star-gate.
What we know about Giza or any other star-gate at premier earth chakras across the planet is that these dimensional gateways house extraordinary reality gateways and creation story traces. Here we experience profound and extraordinary contact and extra-terrestrial intelligence that originates in the future.
The exact coordinates of the Great Pyramid of Giza are 29.9792458°N. This number is exactly the same as the speed of light which travels at 299,792,458 metres per second. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the dimensional architectural technology that permits time-travel. When we enter profound 5D consciousness training we enter the dimensional and time-lines shifts capable of revolutionising our own personal existence and future. This takes us beyond the conventional evolution of the 3D time-line. Imagine if you could access dimensional futures. Stargates deliver the transformation and evolution possibilities that surpass conventional existence locked into false matrix or generic spirituality intelligence.
The Great Pyramids reveal that we can indeed be trained to travel and evolve at the speed of light. We are capable of quantum overhaul, meta-physics recalibration, future intelligence embodiment (advanced teaching for those anchored in 3D, 4D), highest intelligence ET communication/guidance and pro- evolution education.
What is fascinating about The Great Pyramid is its location on our earth. It is located at the exact intersection of the LONGEST LINE OF LATITUDE and the LONGEST LINE OF LONGITUDE. The Great Pyramid of Giza is estimated to have around 2,300,000 stone blocks that range in weigh from 2 to up to 30 tons each. Some of the blocks are estimated to have around 50 tons. The Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure ever created. The pyramid faces true north with a mere 3/60th of a degree of error. This primary star-gate can dismantle third dimension strong-hold. If we synch this vast inter-dimensional technology with the 25, 772 years time phases of the axial precession then we can see huge collective evolutionary shifts based in unprecedented dimensional alignments that expose and free lower density manipulations of freewill. As a technology a star-gate accelerates critical ascension and evolution. Prepare for extraordinary overhaul during this potential evolutionary cycle during this retreat.
The Great Pyramid is a star-gate that was engineered to seed the divine origins and timelines of humanity. With reference to Sirius in ancient Egyptian texts, extra- terrestrial engineering of humanity took place at Giza where the original sacred contracts of humanity were laid down. The Pyramids Field underpins our field of consciousness in inter-dimensional intelligence fields- divine, non-human or future intelligence and time-lines integration. This direct contact for evolution is protected by universal guardians or angels. With temples of subterranean water, high concentration of high vibrational earth minerals, void chambers and supporting architectural structures that underpin and enhance the star-gate and how it functions. We import ascension and dimensional shifts to our communities and planet.
We restore the initiations of The Oracle, The High Priest, The High Priestess- those with extraordinary divine power. This will form the foundation of your training and initiation. PSI abilities are cognitive, as in clairvoyance, telepathy, or precognition. Here an individual acquires knowledge of facts, of other people’s thoughts, or of future events without the use of the ordinary sensory channels— extrasensory perception (ESP), is used to designate these phenomena.
The Star Clock within us is initiated. The equinoxes do not occur at the same points of the ecliptic every year, for the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator revolve in opposite directions, respectively. The two planes make a complete revolution with respect to each other once every 25,868 years. This movement of the equinoxes along the ecliptic is called the precession of the equinoxes. The precession as a consequence of the torque exerted on Earth by differential gravitation caused by the differential gravitation forces of Sun and Moon on Earth. The cause of the precession is the equatorial bulge of the Earth. This new time gateway predicts and materialises a new humanity and new earth.
- Japanese/English
- Breakfast V. VG. GF, LF
- Unique retreat facilities that support ritual, ceremony, yoga and meditation practice
- Lunch, dinner & beverages

Day 1 Arrival to Asuka, Nara between 09:00 and 12:00
13:00-17:00 Asuka Pyramids, Kofun Period Monoliths and Masada-no-Iwafune Fieldwork
20:00-22:00 Ancient Gateways Restoration of Japan, Earth Gateways Ceremony with The Great Pyramids, Contact Field Work and CE5 Sky Watch
Day 2 09:00-13:00 Asuka Pyramids, Kofun Period Monoliths and Masada-no-Iwafune Fieldwork and Buddhist Temple Visit and Ceremony. Asuka-dera (飛鳥寺), also known as Hōkō-ji (法興寺), is a Buddhist temple in Asuka, Nara. Asuka-dera is regarded as one of the oldest temples in Japan.
In the Asuka Period 6 CE and 7 CE, belief in Japan's indigenous religious tradition was given the name SHINTO to differentiate it from the imported Buddhist faith. Shinto in those days was predominantly based on mountain worship, shamanistic practices, age-old rituals, and festivals that differed widely among various localities. There was no central doctrine or central organizational structure, but some indiginous religious rites were already firmly established at the court, in particular the annual Niinamesai Festival 新嘗祭 when the emperor presented the year’s first rice harvest to the local kami (deities).