2025 Egypt Spiritual Journey- Opening Evolutionary Portals 24 February-7 March 2025
2025 Egypt Spiritual Journey- Opening Evolutionary Portals 24 February-7 March 2025
A profoundly life-changing & transformational tour to Egypt, at a mindful pace. Interview and Invitation is required. Join us on an unparalleled journey of mindful exploration into the mysteries of Ancient Egypt, including FOUR private two hours visits and exclusive group access to Tomb of Tutamkhamun, Tomb of Nefertari, The Osirion and The Great Pyramid. Our journey will begin in Luxor, Egypt, where we will stay at Jolie Ville Kings or Habu Hotel EcoLodge (our event venue). We begin with a 4-hour introduction to the Ancient Egypt Immersion Experience. In Luxor, we will tentatively explore: Karnak Temple Avenue of Sphinx & Temple of Mut Valley of Queens & Tomb of Nefertari Merit Mut Rammeseum (Rameses The Great) & Valley of Nobles - Ramos (Amarna Period) Valley of Kings 3 Tombs plus Tomb of Ay (West Valley) Private Permission Tomb of Tutankhamun Denderah Temple Our journey will continue with a flight to Cairo, where we will stay at The Steigenberger Pyramids Cairo . In Cairo, we will tentatively explore: Calibration to the Pyramids Field Private Visit to The Great Pyramids (Khufu) The Grand Egyptian Museum Saqqara & Pyramids of Unas & Djoser The Serapium The Sphinx & Great Pyramids Complex Experience Spiritual, cultural, recreational & scenic explorations will be available throughout this phenomenal journey, at a mindful pace. 'Experienced Souls have agreed to be active participants in the transformation of war, hate, and greed. Your Soul has sought expansion and wisdom through innumerable lives both on Earth and in the vast celestial realm. With your spiritual guides, agreements and contracts have been created for you to embody on Earth as you balance human karma to be of service to Humanity. Has your soul evolved primarily on Earth or somewhere Interplanetary or in the Angelic Realm? What commitments have you made in life today to guide Humanity to not excuse or confuse, but to evolve and seek healing of human frailty via free will? Egypt, with ancient temples and tombs, is a vessel of wisdom and transformative energy. In 2023, when Earl and I, with Tracey Ash and Mohamed Sayed, were putting the elements of our Egypt Spiritual Journey in place, I had no clear sense of why traveling and leading a group to Egypt was essential. Egypt is magical and a potent container to do your individual evolutionary work to advance your soul agreements in life today. As we expand our work in the body, we automatically contribute to humanity’s great need to function peacefully for all living beings. Our Higher Selves are inextricably connected to our human selves. Thus, “As above, So below” and “As below, So above” we evolve. Travel to Egypt in community is enlightening, transformational, and exciting. With Tracey Ash, Mohamed Sayed, Drs. Earl and Linda Backman and your fellow group members you have the opportunity of this life to tap into the wisdom of ancient Egypt, the most advanced early civilization on Earth. Join us as we tour sacred sites and come together in deep personal work to transmute and renew ourselves and all people.' ~ Dr. Linda Backman "I focus on the unique merging of history and consciousness built in all advanced civilisations. What we discover in Egypt is a science of evolution that serves to progress humanity and earth. This spiritual journey calls conscious individuals and organisations. I live in Egypt. On the celestial observatory and gateway to The Great Central Sun, the ancient ones mapped the skies and heavens across cycles of time and themes of destiny playing forever until the peace. Our mythical evolution is enshrined in the temples and monuments for eternity. This is the truth and journey of soul. The spiritual journey of these times is deepest within. Why spiritual pilgrimage is so vital for inner and collective healing. Where is apathy driving evolution backwards? Where is the intelligence that excuses and confuses? Where are the stories that only talk of change? Where is the wound of darkness blind to war? Where are the actions that do not serve? Where is the fake love that does not heal? Where is the pain that breaks worlds? We are all one in the invocation and initiation to unveil illusions. Not for a moment believe you can impact so little for peace on earth. As each one of your sacred ethics and values is remembered and resurrected in spiritaul journeys We soar in re-union and protection of the beauty and innocence of humanity. We stand unshakeable. We transform war, hate and greed.' ~ Tracey Ash
A profoundly life-changing & transformational tour to Egypt, at a mindful pace.
Interview and Invitation is required.
Join us on an unparalleled journey of mindful exploration into the mysteries of Ancient Egypt, including FOUR private two hours visits and exclusive group access to Tomb of Tutamkhamun, Tomb of Nefertari, The Osirion and The Great Pyramid.
Our journey will begin in Luxor, Egypt, where we will stay at Jolie Ville Kings or Habu Hotel EcoLodge (our event venue). We begin with a 4-hour introduction to the Ancient Egypt Immersion Experience. In Luxor, we will tentatively explore:
- Karnak Temple
- Avenue of Sphinx & Temple of Mut
- Valley of Queens & Tomb of Nefertari Merit Mut
- Rammeseum (Rameses The Great) & Valley of Nobles - Ramos (Amarna Period)
- Valley of Kings 3 Tombs plus Tomb of Ay (West Valley)
- Private Permission Tomb of Tutankhamun
- Denderah Temple
Our journey will continue with a flight to Cairo, where we will stay at The Steigenberger Pyramids Cairo . In Cairo, we will tentatively explore:
- Calibration to the Pyramids Field
- Private Visit to The Great Pyramids (Khufu)
- The Grand Egyptian Museum
- Saqqara & Pyramids of Unas & Djoser
- The Serapium
- The Sphinx & Great Pyramids Complex Experience
Spiritual, cultural, recreational & scenic explorations will be available throughout this phenomenal journey, at a mindful pace.
'Experienced Souls have agreed to be active participants in the transformation of war, hate, and greed. Your Soul has sought expansion and wisdom through innumerable lives both on Earth and in the vast celestial realm. With your spiritual guides, agreements and contracts have been created for you to embody on Earth as you balance human karma to be of service to Humanity.
Has your soul evolved primarily on Earth or somewhere Interplanetary or in the Angelic Realm? What commitments have you made in life today to guide Humanity to not excuse or confuse, but to evolve and seek healing of human frailty via free will?
Egypt, with ancient temples and tombs, is a vessel of wisdom and transformative energy. In 2023, when Earl and I, with Tracey Ash and Mohamed Sayed, were putting the elements of our Egypt Spiritual Journey in place, I had no clear sense of why traveling and leading a group to Egypt was essential.
Egypt is magical and a potent container to do your individual evolutionary work to advance your soul agreements in life today.
As we expand our work in the body, we automatically contribute to humanity’s great need to function peacefully for all living beings. Our Higher Selves are inextricably connected to our human selves. Thus, “As above, So below” and “As below, So above” we evolve.
Travel to Egypt in community is enlightening, transformational, and exciting.
With Tracey Ash, Mohamed Sayed, Drs. Earl and Linda Backman and your fellow group members you have the opportunity of this life to tap into the wisdom of ancient Egypt, the most advanced early civilization on Earth.
Join us as we tour sacred sites and come together in deep personal work to transmute and renew ourselves and all people.'
~ Dr. Linda Backman
"I focus on the unique merging of history and consciousness built in all advanced civilisations. What we discover in Egypt is a science of evolution that serves to progress humanity and earth. This spiritual journey calls conscious individuals and organisations. I live in Egypt.
On the celestial observatory and gateway to The Great Central Sun, the ancient ones mapped the skies and heavens across cycles of time and themes of destiny playing forever until the peace. Our mythical evolution is enshrined in the temples and monuments for eternity. This is the truth and journey of soul.
The spiritual journey of these times is deepest within. Why spiritual pilgrimage is so vital for inner and collective healing. Where is apathy driving evolution backwards? Where is the intelligence that excuses and confuses? Where are the stories that only talk of change? Where is the wound of darkness blind to war? Where are the actions that do not serve? Where is the fake love that does not heal? Where is the pain that breaks worlds?
We are all one in the invocation and initiation to unveil illusions. Not for a moment believe you can impact so little for peace on earth. As each one of your sacred ethics and values is remembered and resurrected in spiritaul journeys We soar in re-union and protection of the beauty and innocence of humanity. We stand unshakeable. We transform war, hate and greed.'
~ Tracey Ash

Arrival Luxor International Airport between 9:00-17:00
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island
19:00 Welcome Group Dinner- Meeting Ash, Linda and Earl Backman

Group Calibration for our Egypt Spiritual Journey, with WASET & KHEMIT(Ancient Thebes & Ancient Egypt Nomes) at newly launched El Bawaba Retreat-Hotel.
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island
Lunch at El Bawaba Retreat-Hotel
The Alchemist- Absolute Egyptian Oils Initiation Demonstration
WASET was frequently depicted in anthromorphic form as a goddess, holding the WAs scepter, the symbol of power, to which a plume and a ribbon were attached. She was also often recognized by her headdress consisting of the WAs scepter and a feather, the hieroglyphic symbol of the nome. Moreover she could be represented in a martial guise with bow, arrows and mace. Also described as the throne of Amon.
Hathor as the GateKeeper of the journey to Eternity, Osiris. The landscape of the Theban Hills depicts and dedicates to an archaic version of Hathor. The Valley of the Queens, her womb. El Qurna, the horns that carry her solar disc. Hathor becomes Ra as offering and solar daughter that is The Eye of Ra. The Theban Hills glow as the deep red of Ra in this mystical journey to eternity. In this alchemical and magical context, we can learn much about our own soul journeys in life. As human beings were are initiated as mythical forces of creation. The natural pyramid, highest peak is the gateway of eternity. It is overlooks the Valley of the Kings. This is the gateway to the Underworld. Our journey of initiation and magical subconscious journeys of transformation.
As a Soul you have agreed to be on Earth at this time. You have had and continue to have a role to play to assist Humanity to regain the original intention on Earth of “The One is Many, The Many are One.”
How do your Past Lives manifest in life today? How do your relationships, skills, challenges, fears, and health issues serve your Soul’s evolution? Are you a Soul who has evolved through numerous
Earth lives or does your Soul originate in the vast celestial realm or the angelic realm? Learn to communicate with your Spiritual Guides.

Karnak Temples Complex. The massive temple complex of Karnak was the principal religious center of the god Amun-Re in Thebes during the New Kingdom (which lasted from 1550 until 1070 B.C.E.). The complex remains one of the largest religious complexes in the world.
Temple of Ptah, North Gate. Ptah is a very ancient Egyptian god evidenced from at least the Old Kingdom where his cult was located in the Memphis region. At Karnak in Luxor (ancient Thebes), his temple consists of three interconnecting sanctuaries that are, together with Ptah, consecrated to his Memphite triad, which also included Sekhmet and Nefertum. The sanctuaries are preceded by a small portico of two columns and a pylon in the name of Tuthmosis III, who built the core of the temple. It is oriented west-east, like the Temple of Amun.
The Cult of Sekhmet is inseparable from The Eye of Re creation forces, represented by the solar disc and the Daughter of Re. This births sovereign and sacred aspects and their strong duality.
There are other major Goddesses present within Sekhmet. Hathor and Mut, who are Solar Eye Goddesses without feline characteristics despite having one of the Feline Goddesses as an alter ego. These too are essential, magical aspects of Sekhmet.
Some of Sekhmet’s 1000 names are Sekhmet, Great One of Magic, Mother of the Netjeru (Gods), One Who Was Before the Netjeru Were, Lady of The Place of the Beginning of Time, Beloved of Ra, Her Father, Beloved of Bast Her Sister, Beloved of Ptah, Her Husband-Brother At Whose Wish the Arts Were Born, Beautiful Eye Which Giveth Life to the Two Lands, Beautiful Face, Image Most Beloved by Art, Flaming One, Sovereign of Ra, Her Father, Protectress of the Netjeru, Lady of the Scarlet-Colored Garment, Pure One, Destroyer of Rebellions, Eye of Ra, Eye of Heru (Horus).
The Cult of Osiris, The Chapel of Osiris Hek-Djet , East Gate. On the southern wall of this chamber left of the entry into the next room is depicted the seven Osirian doorways, all boxed within one another. To the right of these false doors are several scenes. Here, in the uppermost scene, Shepenwepet is being breast-fed by a Hathor-like deity with a curious hairstyle, and then embraced by Amun. To the left of this is a representation of the symbol of the nome of Abydos where the temple of Osiris is located.
13:00-14:00 lunch Jolie Ville Kings Island
14:00-17:00 Optional Quality Egyptian Cotton, Papyrus, Jewellery, Artisan Alabaster Workshops Shopping
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island

09:00 Valley of Queens & VIP Visit to Tomb of Nefertari Merit Mut.
When we speak of the Great Queens of Egypt. We are reminded of deified women. Woman initiated as Goddesses. May we remember exceptional sacred and sovereign paths, Nefetari as Hathor. The primordial Goddess, Beginning of Time, Eternity and the elusive mysteries of cycles of incarnation and reincarnation.
Living in the 19th Dynasty (c. 1295-1255 B.C.), her full name was Nefertari Merytmut, meaning “"Beautiful Companion, Beloved of Mut"”. She was the beloved Great Royal Wife (GRW) of Ramesses II, one of most prolific Egyptian queens, equal to Cleopatra, Nefertiti and Hatshepsut. Her tomb, QV66, is the largest, exquisitely decorated and spectacular in the Valley of the Queens. Ramesses II constructed for her a temple at Abu Simbel, next to his own colossal monument. He made the size of her statues, on its facade, to the same scale as his own
13:00 Rammeseum (Rameses The Great) & Valley of Nobles- Ramos (Amarna Period)
The Temple of the Ramesseum was built by Ramses II as a funerary Temple in 1304-1207 B.C and was dedicated to the god Ra. Most of the Temple is in ruins today. The entrance to the temple once had two pylons that have since collapsed. In the first courtyard, of the temple, only a colonnaded hall has survived. In front of the ruins of the first pylon, there once stood a colossal statue of Ramses that was more than 1000 Tons in weight and 18m high.
Tomb of Ramose, Valley of the Nobles. Theban Tomb No. 55 ("Stuart's Tomb") is located at the foot of the hill of Sheikh Abd el-Qurnah, not far from the mortuary temple of Ramesses II – the Ramesseum. Its importance lies in its documentation of the funerary changes from Amenhotep III to Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten.
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island

The Valley of Kings-The Valley of the Kings (Arabic: وادي الملوك Wādī al-Mulūk; Coptic: ϫⲏⲙⲉ, romanized: džēme),[1] also known as the Valley of the Gates of the Kings (Arabic: وادي أبواب الملوك Wādī Abwāb al-Mulūk) is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock-cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt
Lunch West Bank & Private Group Teachings
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island

When on November 4th, 1922, Howard Carter discovered the almost intact tomb KV62, Tutankhamun, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nebkheperure, the Son of Re. In 1922, Tutankhamun becomes a major icon in archaeology. For the first time Egyptologists and the public, were spellbound.
Breakfast at hotel and morning to journal.
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island

Abydos- Temple of Seti I
The oldest known examples of the Flower of Life is Abydos, Egypt. Most archaeologists maintain that they are at least 6,000 years old. The Flower of Life in Abydos in The Osirion appears that it was not carved into the granite but instead may have been lasered into the granite with precision. It represents the Eye of Ra, a symbol of the gateway to eternity and the journey back to our original sacred destiny blue print and original mission of soul on earth.
Packed Lunch
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island

Temple of Hathor, Denderah, is a Greco-Roman temple complex known in ancient Egyptian as Iunet or Tantere. The modern Arab town is built on the ancient site of Ta-ynt-netert, which means 'She of the Divine Pillar.
The Dendera zodiac is a Egyptian bas-relief from the ceiling of the pronaos (or portico) of a chapel dedicated to Osiris in the Hathor temple at Dendera, containing images of Taurus (the bull) and Libra (the scales). This chapel was begun in the late Ptolemaic period. Detailed prophesy on a united, global written ancient record of The Awakening. Denderah is an ark library of humanity’s creation story and evolution map of accurate prophesy.
Accommodation: Jolie Ville Kings Island

12:00 Flight Luxor to Cairo and arrive Novotel El Borg
15:00-17:00- Group Initiation and Calibration with Pyramids Field
19:00-21:00 VIP Visit The Great Pyramids (Khufu). The Giza pyramid complex, also called the Giza Necropolis, is the site on the Giza Plateau in Greater Cairo, Egypt that includes the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure. A Stargate is an Einstein–Rosen dimensional portal device within the Stargate universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. At Giza we reference Sirius and Earth not only in the ancient star maps but in the architecture and creation stories written as mythologies or evolution science of soul.
Hotel: Novotel El Borg

09:00-12:00 The Cairo Museum
12:00-13:00 Lunch Cairo
13:00-15:00 Cairo Shopping

The Serapium. Saqqara, the Necropolis and Pyramids Field of Memphis, the first Capital of Egypt, an important historical site for 5,000 years of Egyptian history. It features the small square tombs (mastabas) of the kings of the first and second dynasties Most famously, the first king of the third dynasty, Djoser, asked his vizier and chief architect to erect for him the first monument built entirely of stone in ancient Egypt. The result is the famous step pyramid of Saqqara and its surrounding funerary complex.
The world’s oldest stone structure, the Djoser Pyramid, recently reopened after years of renovation . The pyramid of Djoser is only a simple element of a large funerary ensemble. From a general point of view, it is included in a large rectangle oriented along the 4 cardinal points.
The Serapeum at Saqqara is the tomb of the sacred Apis bulls that were associated with the god Ptah, whose cult center was in Memphis. An avenue of sphinxes leads to the Serapeum, which is composed of two long corridors that once housed the mummified remains of the bulls. The tomb was in use from the time of Amenhotep III in the New Kingdom through to the Ptolemaic Period
Lunch Traditional Street Food
19:00-21:00 Farewell Dinner
Hotel: Novotel El Borg

Departure Cairo INT AIRPORT