Tracey Ash

El Bawaba Retreat

El Bawaba Retreat

In Arabic (Arabic: البوابة). El Bawaba is The Gateway, The Gate Keeper, The Portal,and The Star Gate. We have built a retreat lodge and education center set against the mythical Theban Hills and the mystery of the Nile, brimming with birdsong, unforgettable sun rise and sun set, and starry nights. It is here we discover the myth of the intrepid soul traveller.

  • The History of Ancient Egypt
  • The Myth of The Traveller

In a peaceful village enclave, surrounded by banana plantations and the Nile, El Bawaba’s panorama view is Luxor Temple, the Necropolis of the Theban Hills, and view of historic Luxor City. An emerald jewel in the Sahara landscape. Our restaurant garden, is abundant with dates, moringa, hibiscus, vegetables, fruits, bees and rare birds. We love humanity and earth.

**At El Bawaba **

Al Bawaba (Arabic: البوابة). In Arabic El Bawaba is The Gate, The Portal, The Gateway, The Gate Keeper, The Star Gate, The Sluice. We have built a modern temple of 24 luxury rooms set against the mythical Theban Hills and the mystery of the Nile, brimming with birdsong, unforgettable sun rise and sun set, and starry nights. It is here we discover the myth of the intrepid traveller. We have a capacity of 24 rooms, 24 persons or 48 persons sharing, and annex accommodation.

El Bawaba Architecture is dedicated to The Eight Pointed Star. Its octagonal geometry is a symbol of protection and guidance, owing to its direct alignment with the eight cardinal directions. This celestial symbol holds a profound connection with the number 8, and is recognised for good fortune across diverse cultures. It is associated with the eight phases of human spiritual growth and our human evolution.

The eight pointed star is a symbol of God’s Throne and is enshrined in The Qu’ran. Prophesy describes the presence of 8 angels flanking God’s Throne on the Day of Judgment, correlating with the 8 points of the star. Upon the Throne, an inscription reads, “My Mercy Supercedes My Wrath,” instilling a profound sense of hope in God’s boundless mercy and the prospect of salvation.

This geometry extends to the architectural layouts of various mosques, with notable examples including the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Old Jerusalem) and the Dome of the Rock with Najmat al Kods, traditionally believed to occupy the site of Solomon’s Temple.

Muslims have historically employed the Rub El Hizb as a tool for the recitation and memorization of the Qu’ran. The symbol serves to represent each quarter of a “Hizb,” which designates the 114 surahs within the sacred Qur’an. Only Egypt Products- no Coca Cola, no Heinz, no Pepsi, no Barclaycard. We restore and protect a tiny, tiny bit of decency and good in the world to tackle peace, poverty, inequality and human suffering.

As the ancient cradle of civilization, Egypt transforms perception of who we are and what world is. History and myth shatters the illusion of convention. We step into extraordinary art, architecture and soul that calls us to be much more than we have been led to believe. We walk in the footsteps of kings and queens. The medicine of ancient Egypt. The myth of the Traveller. We are restored, invigorated and inspired.

As an unique boutique hotel with travel and culture immersion we take you to ancient history, village life and Egyptian culture, exquisite food experiences, VIP visits, restoration, meditation, retreat, and pilgrimage. We can sail you on the Nile from Luxor to Aswan in a dahabyia or hire the Tomb of Tutankhamun to visit at night by yourself. In Egypt anything is possible.

Ash & Mohamed serve humanity and community. We pour love, spirituality, service, education and economic generation into our grassroots and global communities. Our Luxor community is important to us. We hire, support and grow local. Restoring human value and faith in humanity and soul.

Supporting the global community is about those who care and perceive deeply the need for real change. Ash merges consciousness, ethical spirituality and ancient gateways to move mountains and monsters. Ash is a veteran of initiation unveiling genius, imagination and the power of change.

**Giving Without Cost- Non-Profit **

Leave any unwanted boots, shoes, clothes, toiletries and pens at reception. Giving Without Cost project supports poverty in our local community. There are no European Union or UN Luxor projects. We do not accept cash. Giving is an act of human kindness and is appreciated. Your donations are distributed to our local community.

The Peace Tree

We love Palestine so much and eight olive trees were chosen and planted for our sacred brothers and sisters. We invite you to pray for peace. In unity the force of our prayers grows stronger. Join Pray for Peace, Imagine One Earth daily.

**El Bawaba Garden **

The Qur'an has references to gardens used as an earthly analogue for the life in paradise. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, ‘Allah is Beautiful, He loves beauty’ (Muslim) (Riyad as-Salihin 611). For Muslims, nature is a bounteous blessing from their Creator. It is not for Man to possess or destroy but it is for him to utilize and enjoy in a manner that is not detrimental to the nature at large or the ecosystem.

About Luxor

Luxor (Arabic: أَلْأُقْصُر ‎ Al 'Uqṣur) the name of "Luxor" means "Palaces" and it is the premier travel destination in Upper (southern) Egypt and the Nile Valley. The dynastic and religious capital of Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom Egypt, Luxor has much to offer travellers: vast temples, ancient royal tombs, spectacular desert and river scenery, vibrant agricultural and modern life.

  • Valley of the Kings Note that with this ticket, you will get to choose 3 tombs to visit of usually about 8 open in Valley of the Kings. Extra entry is required for Tutankhamen and Seti I. A camera ticket is extra.

  • The Karnak temple complex at Luxor developed over more than 1,000 years, principally between the Twelfth and Twentieth Dynasties. . It was, at its peak, the largest and most important religious complex in ancient Egypt. The most significant structure, and the largest religious building ever built, is the Temple of Amun-Ra, considered to be where that god lived on earth with his wife, Mut, and son, Khonsu, who also have temples at the site. The Temple of Amun-Ra is famed for the vast Hypostyle Hall constructed during the reign of Seti I. After Memphis became the new dynastic capital, many of Luxor’s temples declined in importance. In later centuries, Ptolemaic rulers and Coptic Christians altered parts of the complex for their own uses. The area was in constant development and use between the Middle Kingdom (2080–1640 B.C.) and the early Christian period.

  • Temple of Luxor, Ipet-resyt “Southern Sanctuary” to the ancient Egyptians, was so called because of its location within ancient Thebes (modern Luxor). It is located around three kilometers to the south of Karnak Temple, to which it was once linked with a processional way bordered with sphinxes. The oldest evidence for this temple dates to the Eighteenth Dynasty (c.1550–1295 BC). Ipet-resyt, unlike most other ancient Egyptian temples, is not laid out on an east-west axis, but is oriented towards Karnak.

  • Ramses III built his mortuary temple, also known as the Temple of Medinet Habu, which is considered an architectural masterpiece due to its beauty and preservation. It was dedicated to performing his funeral rituals, as well as to performing the rituals of worshiping the god Amun. This temple was built according to the usual traditions of temple construction in this era and is largely inspired by the Ramesseum. The earliest building on the site was a small shrine of the 11th dynasty (2081–1938 BCE), of which only the foundations remain. The shrine was later much enlarged by Hatshepsut and Thutmose III as a temple dedicated to the local form of Amon and the primeval Ogdoad (group of eight deities of the creation myth in Middle Kingdom Egypt [1938–c. 1630 BCE]).

  • The Tombs of the Nobles a number of tomb-areas on the West Bank at modern Luxor (Ancient Thebes) is known collectively as the Tombs of the Nobles.

  1. Tombs 96 (Sennofer - beautiful with many paintings) and 100 (Rekhmire - very large, also many paintings) which are the most interesting
  2. Tombs 55 (Ramose - large but empty), 56 (Userhet - agricultural scenes and many of Osiris) and 57 (Khaemhet - statues inside)
  3. Tombs 52 (smaller but includes explanations), 69 (Meena - many paintings), 41 (newly discovered)
  • The Ramesseum Temple
  • Colossi of Memnon
  • Deir el Medina or the Valley of the Artisans Extremely underrated and hardly visited is Deir el Medina where the paintings are so well preserved and gorgeous. Very easy to get to as you will likely pass it while visiting other sites. Ticket allows entry into 3 stunning tombs.
  • Howard Carter's House The original house of Howard Carter is a small museum.