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Cairo, The Pyramids Field

5 months ago 2025 Autumn Equinox Pyramids Field VIP Visits Of Pyramid Of Djoser, The Great Pyramid, And The Sphinx 18-26 September 2025

In Egypt the pyramids in myth, science and spirituality- are designed to ignite and protect the journey of the soul for an eternity. Do you believe this? Here we venture into knowledge that underscores questions and dreams on human origins, nature of soul and what existence is, was and will be. What is here are no obvious written records. Philosophical quests of soul. The land of the dead, is the domain of Osiris. That gateway is eternity, known as Rosteau, that gateway is protected by Hathor, The House of Horus. For she, as the goddess metamorphic as both mother and daughter of Ra. God and goddess is a circle of fire that seals protection of the souls of lineage of Horus The Elder. The lineage is known as the Pillar People. The race of pre-history. The ones of the first kings of Egypt. The Pillar People are of Osirion ritual and resurrection cults whose initiation keys are magnificent goddess- the thrones made and fit for kings. The goddess is both throne and stargate. As gateway of protection materialising intelligence across time and universe. Ancient and future are possible. Levitated through time in the mysterious solar boat. The guardians of all time are Goddess. Goddess is the force of levitation and anti-gravity. The mysterious ‘something’ that materialises and propels the throne of soul. What protects is Dog Star- gateway of human evolution guided by Sirius. In epigenetics we are indeed shape-shifted by internal and external influences. Sirius is at the pivotal center of all mythologies puzzles. Our quantum intelligence not currently formed to understand the truth of our creation. And as truth is buried deeper in linear time. The forgotten truths are meaningless. Our souls crave this truth Intelligence but humanity is hypnotised by lesser and lesser. Not under the stars, guided by greater intelligence, guided by the wisdom of earth, universe, ancestors and more. Hathor knows time. Humanity has rejected silence and refuses to listen. The Goddess is waiting. She is your mirror of everything you create. Her fury is yours. Her destruction is yours for she is the mirror of all you are. A sacred pilgrimage that evaluates the spiritual and historical landscape of humanity, honouring ancestors and ancient ones, striving for deeper self understanding. A pilgrimage that calls deep reflection, preparation, profound soul work, journeys of consciousness, and journeys of transformation and initiation. During our pilgrimage we may have already dreamed our footsteps. This brings awakening, magic, and unforgettable transformation. Spiritual Pilgrimages travel us through time confirming our existence is so much more than existence and conventional spirituality has led us to believe. Our pIlgrimage journey calls participants to honour existing spiritual journeys, thresholds of cultures, beliefs and intelligence, We are masters of creation only if we meet creation. There is no where in the world like Ancient Egypt as the cradle for modern civilisation, spirituality, healing, human potential, and psychology. Here the archives travel deep in time. Here the architecture mirrors each step we take. Time and prophecy is written here for us if we are prepared to listen to another story. The healing of ego takes time. Pilgrimage slows and recalibrates wound and ego, and assumptions. And if we are pure within our journey we are shown new worlds, worlds possible beyond conventional.